Get Involved
Bible Studies
An Adult Bible Study is held on Mondays at 2 pm at the church. Starting October 14 the study will be "Cultures in Conflict".
The Ladies Bible Study will begin on Thursday, February 6 at 6:30 pm in the library. Kathleen Tice will be leading a six session study on Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of Jesus, to help give us more insight into the lives of these two women. We will meet on the first and third Thursdays of each month.
Visitation Team
Our visitation team goes outside the walls of the church to see those who are not able to come to Sunday Service. We share with them the Blessed Union of Communion and the Love of God by the building of relationship through servitude and prayers in Christ.
FunDay Sunday
Our FunDay Sundays are open to anyone who would like to join us. We always begin at 3 pm and end around 5 pm. Most of the time we do not require pre-registration to attend - we will get the word out if registration is needed. So please join us for some fun and fellowship! Feel free to bring your children or a friend!
Our first activity for 2025 will be a game day on Sunday, January 26, beginning at 3:00 pm.
Easter Egg Hunt
Trinity’s annual Easter Egg Hunt is held the Saturday before Palm Sunday. Children and adults assemble in the sanctuary to hear the Easter Story before heading outside (weather permitting) to hunt over 4,000 plastic eggs filled with candy. After emptying their eggs the children make a craft, frost and decorate cookies and receive an Easter basket. Every child’s basket contains a book at their reading level revealing who Jesus is and how much He loves them. All adults are given a treat bag and information about Trinity Church.
Vacation Bible School
VBS is held annually in July for ages Kindergarten through grade 6. It includes crafts, songs, Bible stories, hands-on activities, and snacks. All children are welcome!
Rummage Sale
Our annual Rummage Sale is held in the Fall. All proceeds go to help people in our community. Lunch and Dinner Menu items, as well as Bake Sale Items, are sold. Rummage Sale items are by donation. Contact Mary Reynolds (419.565.7655) if you have items boxed up you’d like to donate.
Tracts and Treats
Each year people in the neighborhood look forward to stopping at Trinity’s parsonage for Tracts and Treats on Trick-or-Treat night. Members of Trinity’s congregation provide hot dogs, chips, and water in addition to candy, treat bags, and religious tracts for everyone who stops by.
Band Pep Rally
Trinity Grace Fellowship hosts a pep rally for the Madison Ram Marching Band and the Mansfield Senior High Tyger Marching Band every other year when the two football teams play at Madison Ram Field. Both bands perform in the parking lot (weather permitting) and are then served hot dogs, chips, cookies, and water. This has always been a fun activity which is appreciated by students and adults from both schools.